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Prayer line every Monday Morning and Friday in our YouTube Channel( Cafe Chaud du Matin)
Call 954-842-9499 for details
Elders / Seniors


Sunday school


Our Sunday school for kids starts every Sunday at 1 PM. We have a dedicated team that is willing to work with the kids.

Also, we have a Singing, dancing and Acting Ministry for the kids.




Music Ministries provides a Christian musical place for all ages to participate. Whether you are a singer, a handbell ringer, an instrumentalist, or an active listener, our church welcomes and nurtures your talent.

A strong, vibrant Music Ministry is important to us at The Congregational Church of Praise and Worship, because we see music as one potential pathway to God – whether you are making the music yourself or with others, or actively engaged in listening. Sometimes music can penetrate the heart or soul when words cannot; it can transport us to a place where we can more readily hear God’s still, small voice within us. So music is an important part of our worship, and it also enlivens many of the events in and around the church. All are welcome, and we encourage you to participate in any way and to any extent that makes you comfortable. If you are interested in making music, there is a group and a place for you. If you wish to hear fine music that glorifies God, attend one of our worship services, or take advantage of one of the many lively events offered by our community of faith.

Music can minister to our own spirits in a significant way at those times when the written or spoken word does not seem to minister to us. Martin Luther said: “Next to the word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. It controls our thoughts, minds, hearts, and spirits.”

Community service
Evangelisation every Saturday from 6:00-8:00 Pm in Miramar, Pembroke, and Hollywood.
Call Pastor Terry Pierre at:


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